Life After College
I'm still pinching myself that come this time next year, I'll be a college graduate, let alone in a degree that I'm actually fond of. To be quite frank, these last four years have proven to be some of the most difficult years of my life. I have struggled, through both my mental and physical health, but I have pushed myself and I think that pushing has worked in my favor.
Over the years I have learned so much. Much more than I thought I would. The classes I have taken have given me knowledge that I didn't know existed, and have provided tools that I will continue to use in my adult life. My favorite classes; Brains, Minds, and Consciousness, Linguistics, and Philosophy of Mind continue to fill my mind. Even my computer science courses, while not my personal favorite, have struck a chord with me and my brain.
In a year, I'm not sure what I'll be doing. Hopefully ill be living in my Brooklyn apartment, with my best friend, like we've dreamed of doing since we first met four years ago. Hopefully, I'll have a job I love, or be working towards one. But no matter what I'll be doing I know my time as a Cognitive Science student will have led me to it.
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